E: As almost every time I start work at the base, because the finished work to the base figure becomes a work environment warm and I just discouraging. A great advantage of starting from the base is that, in my opinion, becomes easier to try to match the light of the figure with the light of the terrain, which culminates in a work more uniform and smooth to the eye, with all the integrated elements. This task of standardizing the lights is very difficult, let's see if this time it will be all right.
A base foi toda feita em scratch, usei papel cartao para as laterais, placa de poliestireno com massa corrida para os efeitos de pedra, canudo plastico para o cano, arame e resto de arvore de kit pra o gancho na parede e restos de arvore de kit para criar os efeitos de "bolinhas" nas pedras do chao. Para dar brilho a agua(que ainda receberá um pouco mais de atenção) usei verniz vitral transparente. A base é feita de mdf e revestida com uma casca muito fina de madeira, que nao recordo o nome.
E: The base was all done in scratch, paper card used for the lateral plate of polystyrene with the race to the effects of stone, plastic straw for pipe, wire and flying the rest of the kit to hook on the wall and remains of tree kit to create the effect of "dots" on the stones of the floor. Polishes the water (which will still receive a little more attention) used stained glass transparent varnish. The base is made of MDF and coated with a very thin shell of wood, which not remember the name.

Abraço a todos.
E: Regards
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