Olá a todos.
Segue mais um trabalho terminado recentemente. Trata-se de um oficial "Alemão" da guerra franco-prussiana (1870-1871).
A figura é de plastico injetado da marca ICM escala 1/35, não é uma figura muito boa, então tive que fazer inúmeras modificações. Troquei a cabeça por uma da Hornet, e ainda tive que modelar a barba e bigode, fiz outra espada e outras cordas de ornamentação, bem como um novo pano que é preso a cintura.
Fiz também os freios do cavalo em metal, pois o original em plastico era muito ruim.
E: Hello all.
I present most recently completed work. This is an officer of the "German" Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871).
This is a plastic figure from ICM in 1/35, is not a very good figure, so I had to make numerous changes. I replaced the head by a Hornet one, and still had to shape the beard and mustache, made another sword and other strings of ornamentation, as well as a new cloth that is attached to the waist.
I also did the brakes horse of metal, because the original of plastic was very bad.
I present most recently completed work. This is an officer of the "German" Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871).
This is a plastic figure from ICM in 1/35, is not a very good figure, so I had to make numerous changes. I replaced the head by a Hornet one, and still had to shape the beard and mustache, made another sword and other strings of ornamentation, as well as a new cloth that is attached to the waist.
I also did the brakes horse of metal, because the original of plastic was very bad.
A pintura da figura foi toda feita com tintas Vallejo model colors, e o cavalo recebeu base acrílica e depois óleos.
E: The paint of the figure was entirely made with Vallejo model colors, the horse received an acrylic base and then oils.
Espero que apreciem o trabalho.
E: I hope you enjoy the work.
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